Sunday, April 25, 2010

Whom the Lord calls...(I really hope) he qualifies.

Soooooooo today... :) I was rudely awakened by a cell phone call and jumped up to find I had fell asleep on the couch from studying late last night. Lo and behold, it was a member of my bishopric wondering if I could come in for an 30's a 15 minute walk to the church- you do the math. I quickly readied myself, and ran out the door. As I walked into the building, Brother Tai greeted me and we sat. As he talked to me about school, life, and family, I wondered what could possibly be my calling. He told me they had prayed about it and decided that I should be called as the new 1st Counselor in the Relief Society! SO I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, but it seems the responsibilities come no matter what :) So today has been jam-packed with meetings, and I'm beginning to get really excited! I am concerned however that it will be difficult to teach the girls, considering I'm one of the youngest in the group...but I really hope the Lord starts to qualify me really quick so I can be an example to them all.
Love you all, any advice or ideas on the subject is welcome!!


  1. i can so first calling when i was 20 was homemaking one told me what to do, or that it happened every month! or that i should have called sisters to be on a committee to help was a rough 6 month learning curve, where were the manuals? i think it will be great, there is nothing quite like a college ward, with no children...enjoy it while it lasts...and ask people what you are supposed to be doing...then do it! we are heading to sarah betts' temple wedding in New Mexico friday...wish you could come, i know she'd love to see you...can you believe you girls are old enough to be living in hawaii and getting married? who'd have thunk it?

  2. A counsellor is just who counsels. Give the best counsel you, and the Spriit, can offer, then await the President's decision. Once made, accept it as your own. Support it in action and in word. By serving those with the keys of presidency, you show respect for Him who calls us all. Be happy, be optimistic, be grateful.....DO read the manual and be mentally prepared if the president is ever ill or away, to serve in her capacity as acting president until her return. It's also a great vantage point from which to observe much. Do not tolerate gossip wherever you are. Your sisters must trust that the members of the presidency will always keep things in confidence only for the Lord's purposes...that's probably enough! ha!
    PS..and there are those of us who believe that with the Lord as YOUR counsellor, you will find joy in the journey.
