Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yoga & Ice Cream- What A Magnificent Combo :)

So today I did homework for a good long while, made myself a gourmet salad for lunch, and then had a long but fun night! It all started when I got really brave and hitch-hiked for the 1st time ever...Me, my roommate and her fiance got picked up along the side of the road by 2 really nice poly girls who also go to BYU-H and they drove us to the next town over so we could get the most amazing food I've ever had-cheeseburger and fries at the Kahuku Grill. Then my friend Kelsea came and picked us up and we went to the school and took my very 1st Yoga Class! SO relaxing, I think I'm gonna start going weekly just to erase the stress of this crazy semester. Then as much as we felt like we should start being healthy after finishing such an exercise, a group of us opted to start our new diet tomorrow and binge on ice cream at Angel's tonight :) Such fun people on this little island, I love it! Then I ended back where I started, buried in a mound of group projects and online homework assignments. The day has come full circle, and oh how I wish these days would never end. I wish there was a little bit of employment somewhere in the mix, but that will come soon enough so I'm just enjoying every free minute I have now. Love you all, thanks for being interested in my life :)


  1. have yoga videos...will send :) do you have vhs machine? as for the endless days...i used to come home at 2am (which is when the spirit goes to bed according to Aunt Jan :) ) and then i'd have my friends sit out in their cars and in about 2 hours we'd head out again :) new day!

  2. Sorry, I actually don't have a vhs player :/ Thanks for the thought though! Haha and that's a brilliant way to get around curfew!
