Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The "Grunge Look" Pays Off.

Because I've done nothing of note this past week, I've decided to recall an experience I had a few months ago. In the beginning of February, I was headed to the North Shore with my roommate Ashley to play at the beach. When we got there we ran into a few friends who told us that casting calls were going on down the road to be in a movie! So we hopped in the car, and drove down to the Turtle Bay Resort to track down the auditioners. As we ran through the marble lobbies barefoot in our swimdresses, we turned more than a few heads...haha. We gave them our information, measurements, and took a few photographs, and were on our way. Well a few weeks went by, school started, and we completely forgot about the auditions. On February 11, I received a call from the casting director asking if I would be willing to come do an overnight filming at the Kualoa Ranch Fish Pond! I was so proud of myself :) The movie they were shooting is called Soul Surfer, and they needed extras to come be beach-goers. (I guess showing up in the "grunge look" paid off ;) So I took the bus to the Ranch and showed up a little bit early- just in time to see Kevin Sorbo getting out of a minivan with his 3 kids, Dennis Quaid getting out of his trailer, Carrie Underwood and Anna Sophia Robb getting out of a red convertible, and Jeremy Sumpter walking on the beach!!! So they were all just kind of hanging around and I was the only non-celebrity in the group! It was super fun just being introduced to them and chatting. So then we started shooting, and I was supposed to stand right behind Kevin and Jeremy for the shot...which we ended up re-doing for like 4.5 hours. So anytime there was a break they would both turn around and talk to me! So we introduced ourseves, they asked where I was from, which launched us into a discussion of sports (Nuggets, Rockies, Broncos, etc) and then USAFA where apparently they both love to golf, and I've golfed there before, etc. Then they told me about alll they places they'd visited, and recommended that I get into acting! haha. Well then it started to rain a little bit, but the people in charge made us leave our jackets and things down the road at the camp. So it was FREEZING! ...Well as cold as it can be in Hawaii ;) But then the assistants walked around with the jackets for the celebs and Jeremy handed me his to wear! So YES, I was wearing Peter Pan's jacket. haha. So anyways, we just got to talking and laughing and stuff and then when we were all finished filming they kind of separated the celebs from all of us "normal people" and we walked away. So then I was on my way back to the trailers to change and Jeremy ran up behind me and was like "Hey! let me get your number, and we'll do something while I'm still in town!"
Well even though he never called, it's nice knowing that a celebrity has my phone number :) haha THE END.


  1. I can't believe I haven't received his call yet. You DID give him your father's phone number, right??? ha!

  2. sooo, when is this movie coming out?
