Creative Writing Assignment:
A gust of wind, too early for this time of year, swept through the peaceful urban street. But the silence would last no longer; soon lightning would crash and thunder would roar and all would be peaceful no more. At the climax of this sudden storm, a horrendous bolt of lightning struck. Darkness reigned for a time until an anxious hand fumbled for the matchbox. On top of a dusty Chappell piano, a distinctly molded and preserved pillar of burgundy wax rested on an ornate silver base. At the heart of this beautiful column lay a braided string, better known as a wick. With a swift strike of the match this small object lit the room. A wisp of black smoke emanated from the top of the wick as a small flame took shape. As the wax began to burn a pleasurable aroma took hold of the night air and wrapped us in tranquility. Reflecting light on every face and dancing images across the walls, the candle set the ambiance for the night. For solace we came together in its light, told stories in its shadows, and created love and lasting memories in its warmth. The resounding impact of the candle had taken hold and rescued our hearts from fear.
Enchanting every gazer, a candle is a symbol of relaxation and romance, of peace and of warmth. The heat of the flame is displayed in marvelous colors. The area of deepest heat is colored blue, and with decreasing temperature the colors roll from red to orange to yellow to white. So it is within us; we bear our warmest passions in the depth of our soul. Though powerful on the outside, imagine what we can become if we delve deeper into ourselves and arouse the potential and power within. But take heed, for a sole lit candle can unintentionally create shadow. This lone candle is not sufficient to bring the light necessary to emit such a radiant power as can be refracted in every corner of the earth; but the flame can ignite other wicks and spread to influence many more lives to remedy the shadows which were created.
The purpose of this candle which had so many hands in its creation is to be consumed in giving. This once hardened pillar of strength and beauty, has now resigned itself to a pool of heated wax; and soon the illumination will be whisked away by a gentle draft. Just as the candle in all its glory had come to comfort us, it had to go away. The light and heat slowly faded and we were left in darkness yet again. But stay vigilant, for through carelessness we may well forget the light that we have seen and the warmth that we have felt. As if the candle had never possessed light in the first place…as if the match had never been struck, nor consolation sought.